
Why do I need a manual?

  • You want to communicate the policy and procedures of your company
  • You need to create a package of materials for a workshop or course
  • You want to develop a series of product specifications

Reference Materials

A manual is a multipage document that provides users with reference materials such as instructions, policies and procedures, or specifications. I’ve created many hundreds of pages of manuals that present information in a clear and easy-to-read format that users can also update.

Manuals and Word

I always create manuals in Microsoft Word and then provide my clients with instructions on how to make changes as needed. There are few things more frustrating then having a fancy manual created with a software program that no one in the office knows how to use and that costs a small fortune to update. I make sure you or your staff have the skills needed to update your manual. You’ll never be left high and dry.

Manual Formatting

A good manual includes a table of contents that can be automatically updated, relevant headings and sub-headings, and a sensible organization. I use a variety of techniques to present information in a way that engages with readers–tables and columns, bulleted or numbered lists, illustrations, graphs, etc. A manual isn’t much good if people can’t or won’t use it. I work closely with you to ensure that the information included is both relevant and easily accessible.

Call me to discuss how I can help your company create manuals that won’t sit on the shelf gathering dust.

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